
Optmyzr Blog

How to See New Queries That Are Triggering Your Ads

Mar 20, 2020
Keywords & Queries

Frederick Vallaeys

Co-Founder & CEO



In the past few weeks, search behavior – much like the rest of the world – has turned upside down in an unexpected and unprecedented manner. Whereas airlines might have normally seen a lot of searches related to flights for summer vacations, now they’re seeing entirely new search terms related to cancelations and COVID-19.

With the influx of never-before seen queries, we added a new Rule Engine strategy (recipe) to help you stay on top of things. It finds queries (search terms) that had no impressions 2 weeks ago, but which have had impressions in the past week. These are considered ‘new queries’ for your account. By reviewing them periodically, you can see if shifts in user behavior are impacting your account negatively with an influx of searches you’d rather not pay for.

This new strategy is also rather important given that exact match keywords can now be expanded by Google to include searches with a similar meaning. We don’t know exactly how Google defines ‘same meaning’ so it’s more important than ever to monitor search terms for your account.

It’s easy for our customers with access to Rule Engine to try this new strategy.

Step 1: Go to Rule Engine and add a new Instant Recipe

Step 2: Preview results for the ‘New Search Queries’ recipe

Step 3: Look at the new search queries for your account.

Step 4: Customize the results by setting a different impression threshold.