
Optmyzr Blog

How Often Should You Run One-Click AdWords Optimizations?

Nov 11, 2013
Optmyzr Google Ads

Geetanjali Tyagi




One-Click Optimizations are automated, time-saving and easy to implement. When things are automated and don’t take much time, we sometimes tend to do overdo them 🙂

In this post, we’ve given suggestions on how often should you run each of the One-Click Optimizations. The time interval between optimizations may vary for different accounts depending on size and traffic. The suggested times are only directional.

Keyword Lasso

This optimization suggests adding search queries that converted/performed well as keywords to your account. The Keyword Lasso does take into account traffic when suggesting search terms that should be added to an AdWords account. Should you be running this everyday? Probably not. Traffic from just one day is not enough to make a decision on whether you should add a search term as a keyword even if the search term converted. You could end up adding a lot of keywords that just converted once.

Suggested time interval: 7 – 14 days.

The time interval also depends on how much traffic you get on average. You could be getting 100K impressions a day or, just 100 impressions.

Keyword De-duper

This optimization removes keywords that are absolute duplicates (same match type, same targeting etc.) and compete against each other. This is particularly useful when adding keywords in bulk.

Suggested time interval: 14 days (If you add keywords every day, then run it more often.)

First Page Bridger

This optimization finds keywords with a good Quality Score that have bids that are just below the first-page bid and can benefit from a slight bid increase. There is no point running this optimization every day because it will keep increasing bids unnecessarily for the same keywords. Wait for at least 7 days after a bid increase to see performance.

Suggested time interval: 7 -14 days

Keyword Sculptor

This optimization ensures that the right ad shows for each search query by adding exact match negative keywords at the ad group level. Google sometimes broad or phrase matches search queries to keywords in an account even though the search query exists as a keyword in the account. You can run this report as often as you want but you may not get results if you run it every day.

Suggested time interval: At least once in 30 days

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