
B&S Media saves 2500+ hours with Optmyzr

Full-service agency selects Optmyzr to deliver the best results for clients
Tasks automated
Hours saved so far


B&S Media is a Dutch full-service marketing agency that helps their clients obtain better rankings on search engines like Google.


Kampen, Netherlands

The Challenge

As a Google Premier Partner agency, B&S works with a wide range of PPC clients. Given the size of their portfolio, they noticed that a lot of their time went into determining optimizations and monitoring results. All this came at the expense of the time they could instead put into strategic planning. Additionally, B&S Media was looking for a faster way to implement certain repetitive optimizations in a smart and thoughtful way. This would free up valuable time for more creative and engaging tasks.

The Solution

Optmyzr came out ahead of 11 other solutions for the functionalities B&S considered useful: A/B testing, alerts, bid management, campaign creation, campaign management, custom dashboards, scripts, search query analysis, audit functions, and SKAG creation. With Optmyzr, B&S first set up a custom dashboard and alerts for their clients, which allowed them to quickly spot discrepancies. It helped them decide more quickly which tasks were priority and sped up problem-solving significantly. B&S also used Optmyzr Express to identify the most important optimization opportunities across campaigns. The tool helped them review suggested changes and take immediate action, allocating more time to strategic tasks.

The Result

Ever since B&S started using Optmyzr back in 2016, they have collectively saved over 2,500 hours, which would normally be needed for repetitive work and monitoring results. In February 2024 alone, B&S Media made 489,766 changes and implemented 3,269 one-click optimizations using Optymzr.