Performance Comparison

Compare performance across dates, devices, networks, campaigns and ad groups, without running a single report in AdWords.

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Compare anything with anything!

You deserve sophisticated reports that cater to your needs as an online marketing professional. Optmyzr is built for you! Need to compare the performance of specific ad groups in a campaign on mobile search vs. desktop search? That's hard in AdWords and easy in Optmyzr.

  • Compare the performance of your account, campaigns, ad groups across different networks and devices without pulling a single report.
  • See absolute and percentage changes
See it in action:

Create custom groups

Use labels to create custom groups of campaigns and ad groups that you can compare.

  • See how certain product categories are performing against each other. It doesn't matter if the keywords are spread across campaigns.
  • Use labels to compare branded vs. non-branded keywords.
  • Use these labels to compare performance across your SEM campaigns on Bing and Google (coming soon)

Pre & Post Optimization Reports

Get pre and post optimization reports for campaigns and ad groups. See absolute and percentage changes.

  • Analyze performance for different devices and networks.
  • Easily create before and after reports.
See it in action:

Know what PPC issues to fix

Isolate the problem by drilling down to the ad group level for each device and network.

  • For example, if a campaign has high cost/conversion, see what is causing the problem. Mobile or desktop? Google search, search partners or display?
  • Identify specific areas in your account that need to be optimized to improve performance.

Easy analysis for AdWords enhanced campaigns

Easily analyze and compare the performance of AdWords enhanced campaigns across networks and devices without running multiple reports.

  • Break down performance by segments and networks. For example, you can compare the performance of some ad groups in a campaign on search mobile and display mobile. 
  • Use the data to set bids on different networks and devices.
See it in action:

Schedule Reports (coming soon)

Create custom reports and schedule them to run daily, weekly or monthly.

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